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Great Stewardship - Gutterhulk

Great Stewardship Gutterhulk

Released on June 12th, 2012
Cinematic dark ambient album by Gutterhulk. A side project from Enough Records previous release artist Pulsipher. Great Stewardship is the soundtrack to an imaginary videogame inspired by other games such as Heart of Darkness, Starcraft and Thief. Co-released by Treetrunk Records and Nakrikal Records.
Album cinemático e negro pelas mãos do projecto Polaco Gutterhulk. Great Stewardship é a banda sonora de um videojogo imaginário inspirado por outros jogos tais como Heart of Darkness, Starcraft e Thief. Co-editado pela Treetrunk Records e Nakrikal Records.
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