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Enough Dubs 2 - Various Artists

Enough Dubs 2 Various Artists

Released on April 24th, 2010
Two years waiting for the sequel have been worth it - here is enough dubs 2 with bass-driven sounds from all over the world. compiled by ps and dipswitch, with a lovely ready-to-print cover design by anna@nudesign.org, tracks by auxdub feat. simba amlak, gök, roots'n'fruits, desmond denker, jean nine, bassrael feat. ac akut, babysitta, codex, the lonely schizo & schmove, cheapshot, bassrack wobama, trollhead. mini website by pandur.
Valeram a pena os dois anos de espera enquanto estivemos a preparar esta compilação sequela de dubstep. Arte gráfica a cargo de anna@nudesign.org. Temas de auxdub feat. simba amlak, gök, roots'n'fruits, desmond denker, jean nine, bassrael feat. ac akut, babysitta, codex, the lonely schizo & schmove, cheapshot, bassrack wobama, trollhead. mini website por pandur.
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