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AtlanThis 2 - Various Artists

AtlanThis 2 Various Artists

Released on February 11th, 2013
Follow up compilation of experimental electronic tracks from artists out of Portugal and the North America. The theme of the compilation is crossing the Atlantic ocean. Organized and co-released by Thisco Records. Features tracks by Mantrakid, ocp, Oxford Icebergs, Human Being, Sci Fi Industries, Infetu, ps, Dyman, Com. Gen., shhh..., Waste Disposal Machine, Undara, Mystified and AVOIDANT. Artwork by American painter Ariel Claborn.
Segunda compilação de electrónica experimental com temas de artistas de Portugal e da América do Norte sobre o tema da travessia do oceano atlântico. Organizada e co-editada em colaboração com a Thisco Records. Inclui temas de Mantrakid, ocp, Oxford Icebergs, Human Being, Sci Fi Industries, Infetu, ps, Dyman, Com. Gen., shhh..., Waste Disposal Machine, Undara, Mystified e AVOIDANT. Grafismo da capa retirado de uma obra da pintora Americana Ariel Claborn.
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